Tuesday, May 27, 2014


We make choices on an everyday basis, however, have you ever thought about what impact those decisions you make might possibly have? In "Choices" by Susan Kerslake we are introduced to Peggy, a young female and her "friend", Ken who asks her to go on a trip. During the trip an unfortunate event occurs which leaves Peggy possibly paralyzed below her hips and Ken with a concussion. Peggy left bewildered at the fact of his minor injuries and begins to question Ken's obligation towards her.

The relationship between Peggy and Ken can be seen as "more than friends" but less then lovers. The author showed Peggy's reluctance to joining him on the trip seen from the quote "Peggy had only had a little while to male up her mind". Peggy also mentioned at the beginning of the story that She and Ken's plans were also easily obtainable at her own house, showing more of Peggy's hesitation about the trip. Therefore, you can see that their relationship wasn't exactly close or intimate as you might think, which brings into consideration that Ken doesn't really have that great of an extent of an obligation to Peggy other then the initial impact of the event. The most he'd have to do would probably be to pay for any expenses involving medical, and legal problems.

However, Ken was the person who initially planned the trip and also the driver of the vehicle. The unfortunate event would never have happened if he didn't plan the trip or if he had driven his vehicle more safely. The author tries very hard to describe Ken's posture and actions during the car as well as the car itself. The car itself was seen to be rather old judging from the quality of some of the inner parts of the car itself, it is also noted that Ken's driving posture was also very lax, inattentive and unfit for a driver. If Ken was the one to cause the accident, then he sure does have a role in supporting Peggy during her rehabilitation and being emotional support for her.

Either way. Ken will have consequences to Peggy, whether he caused the incident or not. He will need to pay any expenses from which he caused and settle things between Peggy whether they continue their relationship or end it there.

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