Friday, April 25, 2014

Is it necessary to take action against someone because of what they might do?

                  Have you ever had a thought similar to "I should have done that earlier"? It could have applied to anything from washing dishes or doing homework. Noone can say with absolute certainty what may happen in the future, or if a hunch is correct, but is it okay to take action against someone based on what they might do in the future?
                  Most of us have probably heard of the saying "Better safe than sorry". It is widely known, and for a very good reason. Taking an extra step or doing a little extra work may pay off when it prevents a big problem in the future. If I take a few extra seconds to blow out a candle, it may pay off later if it tips over and doesn't spread a fire. It can apply to people too. If I tell a friend's parents that he is taking drugs, it may prevent a harmful addiction in the future.

                  It is rarely recommended to "wait until the last minute". Whether it is a household chore, or a favor for a friend, not performing a task until the last possible moment may bring problems. There are many things to consider when choosing to wait until the last minute. Wait until the last day to finish a school project, and you may run out of time. Worry too much about your friends cheating on a test, and they may end up getting caught.

                  Taking precautions may even prevent a problem before it even starts. Examples include elementary school presentations about smoking. Teaching children about the effects and consequences of smoking, may stray them away, long before the thought may have even came across their minds.

                   Taking action because of what someone might do in the future shouldn't seen as something bad to do. Taking care of problems beforehand is safer, easier, and more likely to succeed than dealing with them as they come up. Remember, it is always easier to take out the garbage, before it attracts all the flies.


1 comment:

  1. It is good that you used lots of examples and but I think there are some problems with this essay. First, I remember hearing Ms. Lees say that we should stray from using cliches but that's not a big deal. The larger problem is that I don't think the essay really embodies the title, I mean- the essay describes how doing things in advance can be very advantageous but the title is: "Is it necessary to take action against someone because of what they might do?" It doesn't really describe why or why not.
