Tuesday, May 27, 2014


We make choices on an everyday basis, however, have you ever thought about what impact those decisions you make might possibly have? In "Choices" by Susan Kerslake we are introduced to Peggy, a young female and her "friend", Ken who asks her to go on a trip. During the trip an unfortunate event occurs which leaves Peggy possibly paralyzed below her hips and Ken with a concussion. Peggy left bewildered at the fact of his minor injuries and begins to question Ken's obligation towards her.

The relationship between Peggy and Ken can be seen as "more than friends" but less then lovers. The author showed Peggy's reluctance to joining him on the trip seen from the quote "Peggy had only had a little while to male up her mind". Peggy also mentioned at the beginning of the story that She and Ken's plans were also easily obtainable at her own house, showing more of Peggy's hesitation about the trip. Therefore, you can see that their relationship wasn't exactly close or intimate as you might think, which brings into consideration that Ken doesn't really have that great of an extent of an obligation to Peggy other then the initial impact of the event. The most he'd have to do would probably be to pay for any expenses involving medical, and legal problems.

However, Ken was the person who initially planned the trip and also the driver of the vehicle. The unfortunate event would never have happened if he didn't plan the trip or if he had driven his vehicle more safely. The author tries very hard to describe Ken's posture and actions during the car as well as the car itself. The car itself was seen to be rather old judging from the quality of some of the inner parts of the car itself, it is also noted that Ken's driving posture was also very lax, inattentive and unfit for a driver. If Ken was the one to cause the accident, then he sure does have a role in supporting Peggy during her rehabilitation and being emotional support for her.

Either way. Ken will have consequences to Peggy, whether he caused the incident or not. He will need to pay any expenses from which he caused and settle things between Peggy whether they continue their relationship or end it there.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Does Ken Have an Obligation to Peggy?

Ken and Peggy are the main characters in the book "Choices" By Susan Kerslake. The story follows Peggy, as she agrees to go on a road trip with her estranged friend Ken and unfortunately they become involved in an accident and Peggy is left in a horrible condition, while Ken is left with apparently only a head injury. At the very end of the story, Peggy is seen, unable to move or speak while Ken sits nearby with his face buried in his hands. Peggy is left wondering whether Ken will own up to his responsibility or simply leave her without care. Should he stay? Or should he leave? What are his obligations?

The real truth to Ken's position is unclear. Is he fearful of taking responsibility over her, or is he simply distraught from the entire experience. One can argue that he should- and is obligated to stay with her, Ken was the driver and it is always the drivers fault when an accident takes place because, the driver is driving the vehicle. Without Ken, Peggy would not have even agreed to go in the first place, as he originally extended the invitation. It is clear that Ken is obligated to help Peggy in some way.

Though Peggy is left with horrible injuries that are sure to change the way she lives because of Ken, Is it fair that he is now bound to her side for the rest of her life? It is established in the book that Ken and Peggy do not actually like each other, because they have been busy with their own lives for some time before the accident. So it is quite possible that Ken does not want to stay with her and it is also possible that Peggy does not really want this either, but she only questions this in the end because she is in this new condition and she is scared of being alone. If this is true, than Ken has no obligation to actually stay with Peggy.

Ken does have obligations to Peggy. He is obligated to help her through the initial aftermath, like the medical expenses, trips to the hospital and such. But after Peggy is settled and stable and all of her serious injuries are treated, than Ken's responsibilities to Peggy are fulfilled. Ken was not held responsible for Peggy's entire life before the incident, so he should not be responsible for the rest of her life.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


In the event of a car crash who is responsible for what? In the short story "Choices" by Susan Kerslake, Peggy and her friend Ken get involved in a car crash. Peggy is left with her legs crushed and potentially paralyzed for life. Near the end of the story it is shown that Ken may not feel responsible for her, as he doesn't attempt to talk to her. It is unknown whether Ken will take responsibility for Peggy, or if he is actually not at fault and is not obligated to deal with the problem, or make up for her injuries.

There can be many reasons for why Ken wouldn't be the one responsible for Peggy\s injury. If it was another driver who had crashed into them, it wouldn't be Ken's fault for the crash, therefore he wouldn't be responsible for Peggy's injuries, and the blame would instead be on the other driver. It could also have been other factors that Ken couldn't have controlled or known of such as a large bump on the road or a malfunction in the car. In these situations, Ken might still partially be at blame, however not to the point of having a large debt to her.

On the other hand, Ken may have also been the reason for the crash. There is a lot of textual evidence pointing towards the fact that Ken had not been driving seriously. He was not holding the steering wheel properly, and he also was not seated properly as he had "one knee against the door, the other against the gear shift". If the car crash had really occurred due to Ken's lack of concern for safety, then he should be fully responsible for all the resulting damage, along with Peggy and anyone else who might have also been caught in the crash.

In the end it really should depend on whether he caused the crash or not. If Ken had caused the crash, then he should take responsibility for Peggy and care for her, and cover any medical expenses and problems that may occur later in the future. This does not imply that he has to be her personal nurse and care for her 24/7, but that he should help her with problems such as getting around or helping her with chores like cleaning.

If he did not cause the crash and it was the fault of something or someone else, Ken should still at least help Peggy. As a friend, or at the very least, the only other one who understands her situation, Ken should help her through the early stages of recovery. Ken had only received an injury to the head, and it is not implied that it is anything serious, so there should be no excuse for Ken not to help her as she deals with her injuries. Whether he is responsible or not, Ken should help Peggy, as she is going through this difficult moment in her life. Even if they don't view each other as a great couple, Ken should still be there for her.